Product Demonstration Video Chennai - Bangalore - Hyderabad - Mumbai - Delhi - Kolkata

Product Training & Demonstration Video - Megger SVERKER 900

Product Training & Demonstration Video - Megger SVERKER 900
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Product Explainer Video production Mumbai
Product Explainer Video production Mumbai - Megger SVERKER 900
Evolution, fuelled by progressive technology, better access to data, and the constant threat of new competition, arises briskly in today’s workplaces. For all the breakthroughs and benefits change can bring, it also builds complex challenges for businesses when it comes to discovering an agile approach for keeping employees informed of new processes, policies, and product updates.
but one medium has emerged as a favourite choice of leading corporations who have accomplished in creating agile product training programs: Product demonstration video
Differences in product knowledge, in specific, among sales and service reps on the front lines in corporations such as technology, retail, hospitality, automotive, and even medical, often can have the most straight impact on a corporation’s bottom line — making or breaking sales target, affecting customer retention rates, and even determining a company’s reputation.
Product Video production Bangalore
Product Video production Bangalore - Megger SVERKER 900
And while every corporate makes it a top preference to communicate all business-related changes to employees rapidly and effectively, Product Training & Demonstration video for customer-facing employees remains one of the immense knowledge-sharing challenges many companies face for several reasons including:
  • Sales and service employees are often scattered across locations, which makes it difficult to create a consistent training experience for all employees.
  • In high-turnover environments, the need to bring new employees up to speed quickly can result in skipped training modules.
  • And when it comes to training all front-line employees, time is almost always a major constraint.
  • Still, it’s not as much a company’s competence to disseminate the most current product knowledge as it is finding more powerful training methods — methods that maximize both compassion and retention of detailed product information. Training techniques can differ from company to company and between different roles, but one medium has emerged as a favourite choice of leading corporations who have accomplished in creating agile product training programs: Product demonstration video.

    Product Demonstration Video production Delhi
    Product Demonstration Video production Delhi - Megger SVERKER 900

    We produced a Product Demonstration Video for Sweden based Megger Group Limited is a company that manufactures electronic test equipment and measuring instruments for electrical power applications.

    Visually stimulating product training & demonstration videos engage employees and customers in training experiences that lead to both consistent product knowledge among all and better retention of information over time. Furthermore, creating product demonstration videos can be easier than producing written documentation, which employees are less likely to read compared to watching a product explainer video.

    Product Walkthrough Video production Chennai
    Product Walkthrough Video production Chennai - Megger SVERKER 900

    Rather than overwhelming customers/employees with a deluge of product knowledge all at once, break your Product Demonstration Video down into shorter modules that focus on one specific item or feature at a time. Frequently referred to as micro-learning, the practice of delivering product information in short bursts can reduce the cognitive load on the learner and lead them to experience a more prompt feeling of accomplishment, ultimately improving product knowledge retention.

    Similarly, we worked with Seoyon E-HWA Automotive India to improve employee training programs through Corporate Training video production — have also earned the praise from them.